Cheap, Frugal, Pennypacker….

Don’t let the title fool you!  The “Cheapest Man Alive” is not about ripping the waitress off for the proper tip she deserves or stealing pennies from the tray at 7-11.  Nor are we advocating eating and living unhealthy lifestyles to save a buck or taking from a food pantry at the expense of others less fortunate.  It is a however, a living-mantra about getting every dollar (and cent) out of what you paid for. How do we do this? By avoiding waste and unnecessary purchases and consequently, it leads us to a “greener lifestyle” by cutting down on the use of our natural resources and waste loads.

In the end, your savings also build up; not by eliminating what you like to do or consume, but just being wiser about how to live your life, spend your time and most importantly spend your money. Please take a few minutes to read about some of the penny-pinching strategies; you may find some humorous or inconvenient, but others you may wonder why you have not been doing all-along.

The contributing writers for this website are all married men and on occasion, we know that we push the “Cheapest Man Alive” mantra too far. Luckily for us, our wiser and more benevolent wives are there to reign us in. However, we do want to hear from you if you having something to contribute. So please send us your stories and advise so others may take advantage. Remember, rich people stay rich by living like they’re broke. Broke people stay broke by living like they’re rich.

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